I'm the one who sees all your Hells and you just ignore me I'm the smiling face at the end shinning through your guilt I'm that old forgotten feelings that you crave I'm all you meant to become the spark inside this corpse it is ok if you want to try it is ok if you want to... I'm the stab you choose to forget and its secrets I'm a guiding bliss, a step out of place I'm the only one who knows about that day that lie that ... I'm talking to you I'm telling you "let go..." It is ok if you want to try It is ok if you want to.. Now, here comes the half smile this is how demons are born pure ears cant deal true evil Now, here comes the half smile this is how demons are born All your reasons I will bury alive... it is ok if you want to try All Your reasons I will bury alive... Todas tus razones Yo soy quien ve todos tus infiernos y tu simplemente me ignoras Yo soy la cara sonriente en el final brillando a tr...
Todas las letras que escribí para mis bandas y para otras. All the lyrics I wrote, for my bands and for other artists. Inglés - Español- Chino banlesage@gmail.com