www.facebook.com/banlesage BAND: STELLAR CROWS SONG: ONE STEP FROM A FALL Beyond Human Stage The Universe caught in time Under my skin What Am I? A story in meat? This moment... Of Pain So cold, in space as in Earth Since I am lost in the known So cold as space as in Earth It's like living one step from a fall Falling from life into nothing. Nothing. I surrender myself to the space Its nameless consciousness will replace All this emptyness, all this fear Fear its a lie, proyected terrors And nothing more So cold, in space as in Earth Since I am lost in the known So cold as space as in Earth It's like living one step from a fall Falling from life into... nothing. From Moon Matrix And Nothing more It's just a lie And Nothing More So cold, in space as in Earth Since I am lost in the known So cold as space as in Earth It's like living one step from a fall Falling from life into... nothing So Lost, yet never alone. And back LETRA Más allá del escenar...
Todas las letras que escribí para mis bandas y para otras. All the lyrics I wrote, for my bands and for other artists. Inglés - Español- Chino banlesage@gmail.com