:::::::Ego Death:::::: Something dark you were born with We are home to each other, my creature Something dark you have grown within Turned out to be your light Now listen We are home to each other. Eternal Entanglement As one as ghosts as... Entanglement As one as ghosts as... Something dark you were born with Ego death, evil death. Spill your own blood (connected detachtment is God) Evil death, ego death spill your own blood Turned out to be your light Connected detachtment is God We are home to each other. Eternal Entanglement As one as ghosts as.. Entanglement As one as ghost as... Last time I died there was a sound but no light Entanglement As one ghosts as... We are home to each other eternal I don´t fear death! As above so bellow We are home to each other Entanglement As one as ghosts as.. Entanglement As one as ghost as... Last time I died there was a sound but no light Entanglement As one ghosts as... We are home to each other. Eternal I don´t fear death! -------------...
Todas las letras que escribí para mis bandas y para otras. All the lyrics I wrote, for my bands and for other artists. Inglés - Español- Chino banlesage@gmail.com