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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2018

Ego Death (Stellar Crows)

:::::::Ego Death:::::: Something dark you were born with We are home to each other, my creature Something dark you have grown within Turned out to be your light Now listen We are home to each other. Eternal Entanglement As one as ghosts as... Entanglement As one as ghosts as... Something dark you were born with Ego death, evil death. Spill your own blood (connected detachtment is God) Evil death, ego death spill your own blood Turned out to be your light Connected detachtment is God We are home to each other. Eternal Entanglement As one as ghosts as.. Entanglement As one as ghost as... Last time I died there was a sound but no light Entanglement As one ghosts as... We are home to each other eternal I don´t fear death! As above so bellow We are home to each other Entanglement As one as ghosts as.. Entanglement As one as ghost as... Last time I died there was a sound but no light Entanglement As one ghosts as... We are home to each other. Eternal I don´t fear death! -------------...

Spectral Storming (Stellar Crows)

Space is home for all kind of souls Wisdom calls, Unknown Human wrongs echoes in time a New end onto us Invasion, creation We human had it coming Earth portals wide open We stand as one We stand as one Spectral stormming troughout the ages It´s time, save mighty Earth We stand as one Claim our place in this multiverse Hell is rooted above and below god's Treason, rotting guts In this hell what shows its crime beyond human sight Invasion, creation We human had it coming Earth portals wide open We stand as one We stand as one Spectral stormming troughout the ages It´s time, save mighty Earth We stand as one Claim our place in this multiverse It´s time, save mighty Earth We stand as one Spectral stormming troughout the ages It´s time, save mighty Earth We stand as one Claim our place in this multiverse LETRA El espacio es hogar de todo tipo de almas La sabiduría llama, desconocida Los errores humanos hacen eco en el tiempo Un nuevo final nos amenaza Invasión, creación Nosot...

Awaken (Stellar Crows)

Surreal, the way I see surreal, shining from within this is something I knew Awaken from beneath A reason, something to believe Away from a world full of pain Away form your loving memories A reason... By my side, cosmic flight take my hand... and shine this is something I knew Awaken from beneath

Eyes Up (Stellar Crows)

Divinities Fall as we go though the mighty event horizon survival of the fittest has being corrupted It's a lie, It's a lie mankind into oblivion It's all ends and beginnings Eyes up! Aim your soul to the skies! (Elevate - Elevate) Eyes Up! Aim Your soul to the skies! (Elevate) Need To Go Back In your mind to deal with the Fact past is all gone undergone by your own history now life gets corrupted you are alive... your alive not Yet Into oblivion Mankind into oblivion Eyes up! Aim your soul to the skies! (Elevate - Elevate) Eyes Up! Aim Your soul to the skies! (Elevate) Eyes Up! Eyes Up! Eyes Up! Aim Your soul to the skies! LETRA Las divinidades caen a medida que cruzamos el evento de horizontes la supervivencia del mas apto ha sido corrompida es una mentira, es una mentira la humanidad cae en el olvido levanta tus ojos, apunta tu alma hacia los cielos. (Elevate- Elevate) levanta tus ojos, apunta tu alma hacia el cielo. Elevate, ahora! necesitas retroceder en tu mente pa...

One Step From a Fall (Stellar Crows)

Beyond Human Stage The Universe caught in time Under my skin What Am I? A story in meat? This moment... Of Pain So cold, in space as in Earth Since I am lost in the known So cold as space as in Earth It's like living one step from a fall Falling from life into nothing. Nothing. I surrender myself to the space Its nameless consciousness will replace All this emptyness, all this fear Fear its a lie, proyected terrors And nothing more So cold, in space as in Earth Since I am lost in the known So cold as space as in Earth It's like living one step from a fall Falling from life into... nothing. From Moon Matrix And Nothing more It's just a lie And Nothing More So cold, in space as in Earth Since I am lost in the known So cold as space as in Earth It's like living one step from a fall Falling from life into... nothing So Lost, yet never alone. And back LETRA Más allá del escenario humano El Universo atrapado en el tiempo Bajo mi piel ¿Qué soy? ¿Una historia encarnad...

Stellar Jump (Stellar Crows)

Wake up, time is running out | Despierta, el tiempo se acaba wake up, fight for your life now | despierta, lucha por tu vida ahora wake up, face to face with pain | despierta, cara a cara con el dolor Wake up… wake up | despierta... despierta no escape, no way out | no hay escape, no hay salida In the shades, Im screaming out | en las sombras estoy gritando into space, blast of you | en el espacio, restos de ti there are no feelings | no hay sentimientos stellar jump, this is the last night | salto estelar, esta es la última noche wake up, time is running out | despierta, el tiempo se acaba wake up, fight for your life now | despierta, lucha por tu vida ahora wake up, face to face with pain | despierta, cara a cara con el dolor Wake up… wake up | despierta... despierta growing pain, pulls me down | dolor creciente, me tira abajo losing sense, done with this world | perdiendo el sentido, harto de este mundo transcend flesh, 666 | trasciende la carne, 666 demons are coming | los demon...

Bonfire (Stellar Crows)

::::: Bonfire ::::: What I see you don´t have the eyes for Fooling everyone around you Archon... Come closer... Closer... Burn! burn! burn! Burn! burn! burn! Eat you alive as a whole Bonfire! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Finds an end with me now. Bonfire! I´m not creating demonds ´cause I´m not afraid of being one Slowly Come closer... Come... Closer... "I am many, many names I have" ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::::: Hoguera :::::: Lo que yo veo, tu no tienes los ojos para ver Engañando a todos a tu alrededor, tu, arconte... Acércate... mas cerca Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Te comeré vivo como toda una hoguera! Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Encuentra un final conmigo ahora Hoguera! No estoy inventando demonios porque no tengo miedo de ser uno Lentamente Acercate... mas cerca... mas cerca... Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Te comeré vivo como toda una hoguera! Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Arde! Encuentra un...

Closer To Orion (Stellar Crows)

LYRICS Tell me how is going to start this (We will scan your eyes) Tell me now, are we going to that place? (Third eye is so bright) We are holes in TIME We are souls in FLIGHT We all come back to the space womb We will come alive in time we will spread the wings of eons Home in stars... Closer to Orion So grateful to be alive Ancient knowledge comes back Nothing ever really die Its not Its not a ticket to nowhere Now you are part of a higher realm Dream high High High Dream High to the stars... Closer to Orion So grateful to be alive Ancient knowledge comes back Nothing ever really dies We never really die Closer to Orion So grateful to be alive Ancient knowledge comes back We never really die LETRA Dime cómo comenzará esto Escanearemos tus ojos Ahora dime, ¿iremos a aquel lugar? (El tercer ojo es tan brillante) Somos agujeros en el tiempo Somos almas en vuelo Todos volvemos al útero del espacio Reviviremos en el Tiempo Desplegaremos las alas de eones El hogar...