::::: Bonfire :::::
What I see you don´t have the eyes for
Fooling everyone around you Archon...
Come closer... Closer...
Burn! burn! burn!
Burn! burn! burn!
Eat you alive as a whole
Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn!
Finds an end with me now.
I´m not creating demonds
´cause I´m not afraid of being one
Come closer... Come... Closer...
"I am many, many names I have"
::::: Hoguera ::::::
Lo que yo veo, tu no tienes los ojos para ver
Engañando a todos a tu alrededor, tu, arconte...
Acércate... mas cerca
Arde! Arde! Arde!
Arde! Arde! Arde!
Te comeré vivo como toda una
Arde! Arde! Arde!
Arde! Arde! Arde!
Encuentra un final conmigo ahora
No estoy inventando demonios
porque no tengo miedo de ser uno
Acercate... mas cerca...
mas cerca...
Arde! Arde! Arde!
Arde! Arde! Arde!
Te comeré vivo como toda una
Arde! Arde! Arde!
Arde! Arde! Arde!
Encuentra un final conmigo ahora.
"Soy muchos. Tengo muchos nombres".
Vili Figura Vili figura, from latin, means "in bad shape". It refers to something that is presented in a dark way Hidden knowledge is often kept in dark apparence, as a way to protect itself. It dresses in black, in darkness. It is offered wrapped in deterrents for fools. Knowledge is always hidden to the naked eye. Lyrics Among your thousand names I found my own being named Lucifer, first and last Grotesque grimace of goodness falls into pitch black Drowning all lies Enlightmen code? Vili figura comes to me And opens my eye Protecting knowledge with black Illuminatio mea! Darkeness gift is death Of all quimerical realm of illusion What can be controled is never real By the ways of the serpent Hissing voices Overthrowing entire worlds With sinister grace From the half light With all my spirit Crucified in matter Your predatory Universe I deny! Wisdom dems from rebelion Tragedy in your eyes Fire in your heart C...
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