Tell me how is going to start this
(We will scan your eyes)
Tell me now, are we going to that place?
(Third eye is so bright)
We are holes in TIME
We are souls in FLIGHT
We all come back to the space womb
We will come alive in time
we will spread the wings of eons
Home in stars...
Closer to Orion
So grateful to be alive
Ancient knowledge comes back
Nothing ever really die
Its not
Its not a ticket to nowhere
Now you are part of a higher realm
Dream high
Dream High to the stars...
Closer to Orion
So grateful to be alive
Ancient knowledge comes back
Nothing ever really dies
We never really die
Closer to Orion
So grateful to be alive
Ancient knowledge comes back
We never really die
Dime cómo comenzará esto
Escanearemos tus ojos
Ahora dime, ¿iremos a aquel lugar?
(El tercer ojo es tan brillante)
Somos agujeros en el tiempo
Somos almas en vuelo
Todos volvemos al útero del espacio
Reviviremos en el Tiempo
Desplegaremos las alas de eones
El hogar en las estrellas...
Acercándonos a Orion
Tan agradecido de estar vivo
El conocimiento ancestral regresa a la memoria
Nunca nada muere realmente
No es así
No es un pasaje hacia la nada
Ahora eres parte de un reino superior
Sueña alto, alto, alto
Sueña alto hasta las estrellas...
Acercándonos a Orion
Tan agradecido de estar vivo
El conocimiento ancestral regresa a la memoria
Nunca nada muere realmente
Nunca morimos realmente
Acercándonos a Orion
Tan agradecido de estar vivo
El conocimiento ancestral regresa a la memoria
Nunca morimos realmente
Vili Figura Vili figura, from latin, means "in bad shape". It refers to something that is presented in a dark way Hidden knowledge is often kept in dark apparence, as a way to protect itself. It dresses in black, in darkness. It is offered wrapped in deterrents for fools. Knowledge is always hidden to the naked eye. Lyrics Among your thousand names I found my own being named Lucifer, first and last Grotesque grimace of goodness falls into pitch black Drowning all lies Enlightmen code? Vili figura comes to me And opens my eye Protecting knowledge with black Illuminatio mea! Darkeness gift is death Of all quimerical realm of illusion What can be controled is never real By the ways of the serpent Hissing voices Overthrowing entire worlds With sinister grace From the half light With all my spirit Crucified in matter Your predatory Universe I deny! Wisdom dems from rebelion Tragedy in your eyes Fire in your heart C...
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